Sensory bags; using zip lock bags, fill them with rice, lentils, cook spaghetti, shaving foam or gel. Add leaves, sticks, gum nuts or flowers to these for the children to find whilst playing. Tape to the floor or windows for bubba to enjoy.
Sand foam play: mixing shaving foam and sand together, create a fun, textured sensory exploration activity for the children to touch, manipulate and sculpt. Add diggers, spoons, cups and cars, to allow the children to support their fine motor skills, balance and manipulate tools for further exploration and investigations.
Fluffy and rainmaking; using corn flour, water get the children to mix the items together, experimenting with adding water. See how the children can change it from a liquid to solid and back again. For added fun, add animals to the experience to see if they can walk on top, sink through or have the mixture rain upon them.
Create you own lava lamp; using an old bottle, water oil, food colouring and Alka-Seltzer challenge your children to create their own lava lamp, experimenting with quantities and colours.
Hide and seek tiggy; have a person count to 20 whilst the rest of the family hide. When ready go and seek them out, but when you are spotted, don’t get caught; run, run and run.........
Optional extra; Add pineapple if you like a sweet touch. Adults add a sprinkle of chilli over your creation for a spicy treat.