Family Information

Opening Hours

Our service is open Monday to Friday from 7:00am to 6:00pm.


To enrol your child at the service, please use our online form. This can be accessed through the ‘Enrol Now’ link at the top of this website.

Once completed, your child will be placed onto our waitlist and offered a position upon the next corresponding availability.


To support all children through their transition into the care environment, we offer an extensive orientation package.

First orientation: 1 hour session with a parent/guardian present

Second orientation: 2 hour session without a parent/guardian

2 half days: 4 hour sessions offered at half price and will contract CCS (Childcare Subsidy)

Fees and Payments

Daily rate: $161.82

A non-refundable $100 administrative enrolment fee will be deducted upon enrolment.

All payments are set up via a fortnightly direct debit.

Service Closures

All day Long operates 51 weeks out of they ear with a service closure period between Christmas and New Year.

The service is closed on all Victorian Public Holidays.

What to Bring

To ensure your child has everything they need, we suggest packing a bag with the following items:


At all day long we believe that there is never wrong weather, only wrong clothing.  With this in mind we please ask that you bring a minimum of 2 full sets of clothing. In the summer, remember to pack a wide-brimmed, bucket or legionnaires style hat. In the winter months, we ask that you pack a warm coat, beanie and gum boots. Children are encouraged to wear shoes which are securely fastened onto their feet, ready for walking and a range of physical activities.

Drink Bottle:

At meal times we will provide cups of water, however we request that you provide a drink bottle for your child to have access to water throughout the day.

Comfort Items:

We encourage children to bring any item used for comfort from their home.  This can support your child's emotional health and wellbeing and make their time at All Day Long more enjoyable in a safe and secure environment. This might include a teddy, dummy or blanket.


Please ensure that all medication is fitted with a pharmacy label and handed directly to an educator on the day.  Please do NOT leave any medication in your child's bag. All medication that is brought into the service with the child, will be administered in compliance to the medication policy and in line with direction from a medical professional. We require written consent from the parent before administering medication (using our medication administration form). All medication must consist of a pharmacy label displaying the child's name. Prescribed medication must also include the required dosage and name of medication on the pharmacy label. All creams or ointments provided must also contain a pharmacy label and have the name and expiry date clearly displayed.

For more information

Download our Parent Handbook

All Day Long Childcare and Education Uniform

You can purchase uniforms through our EduThreads page linked below

Free Kindergarten Program

Free Kinder is a Government initiative to give "cost of living" relief to Australian families. 

Free Kinder covers the cost of funded 3YO and 4YO kindergarten programs for up to 15 hours per week. 

This will look different depending on which centre your child attends, your eligibility, and the days/sessions your child attends. All Day Long Childcare and Education is a long-day care service that offers a Kindergarten program, so Free Kinder may not cover to cost all of the hours that your child attends. 

This is where the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) steps in to help cover the cost of these wrap-around hours and/or additional days of care, if you are eligible for CCS.

It’s important to note that while the Kindergarten component is covered, wrap-around hours come with charges and Child Care Subsidy (CCS) still applies to these additional hours. 

Families should check with the centre for more information on wrap-around care costs and policies.


  • 3-year-olds must be 3 before April 30, 2024

  • 4-year-olds must be 4 before April 30, 2024

Funding Details:

  • Up to $2101 for families over 2 x 7.5 hours per day for 41 weeks (during school terms)

Our Menus

All Day Long Childcare and Education provides nutritious daily meals to each child. Meals adhere to the Nutrition Australia Dietary Guidelines, ensuring that each child, regardless of dietary requirements, receives delicious meals each day. Our amazing chef also loves to create special moments for our children and staff, making birthday cupcakes or delicious spreads of food to celebrate special occasions.